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Inspirations Endowment

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Great work is being done through our American Baptist Partners in ministry and mission. Knowing which ministries to support is arguably the most important consideration. ABF has established several funds on behalf of our members and partners. Here we urge you to consider supporting the new ABF Inspirations Endowment.

The ABF Inspirations Endowment is a permanent endowment that provides financial assistance to our supported Members: American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS), International Ministries, (IM), and the Multi-Region Corporation (MRC). This endowment has a broad reach, i.e., from supporting local pastors and congregations to improving the lives of children in poverty to establishing schools and ministries worldwide. Your support is critical. A small portion of each gift also goes to support ABCUSA as well as ABF operations as we aim to serve as the hands and feet of Christ.

Click here to learn more about how you can support the ABF Inspirations Endowment.
Please contact us for more information on how you can support the ABF Inspirations Endowment.
